dental bridge

What is a Dental Bridge?

A bridge consists of two crowns, one on each tooth on either side of the gap (these two anchoring teeth are known as abutment teeth) and an artificial tooth or teeth in the middle. Pontics are fake teeth that are constructed of gold, alloys, porcelain, or a mix of these materials. Natural teeth or dental implants are used to support dental bridges.

Bridges are used to replace a missing tooth with a natural-looking replacement. they can be held in place by neighboring teeth, implants, or a combination of the two. when done correctly, makes your smile appear natural and unaltered.

What is the Dental Bridge Cost in India?

An implant-supported bridge is the best type , but it is also the most expensive. The cost of bridge can be anywhere from 6000rs to 20000rs depending on the type of the bridge used, which is prohibitively expensive given that even a regular fixed bridge is out of reach for many Indians. see the full cost list of dental treatment

How long do Dental bridges last?

Dental bridges can endure anywhere from 5 to 15 years, and sometimes even longer. It is not uncommon for a fixed bridge to last more than ten years with proper dental hygiene and prevention.

What are different types of Dental Bridge?

The three most common types of dental bridges are Front Teeth , Bonded and Fixed Bridge

Before and after pictures of Dental bridge

dental bridge before and after

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