Our Dentist in Delhi

Dr. Arushi Sharma is the clinic’s primary dentist in Delhi. She graduated from Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of health sciences , Rohtak and holds bachelor degree in Dental Surgery. Dr. Arushi Sharma has worked on a variety of dental teams during the course of her two-decade career.

She has worked at Bhagwaan mahavir Hospital, where She performed some incredible ground-breaking work in the dentistry sector. Her ambition to meet the growing need for specialized dental care and treatment culminated in the development of King and Queen Dental Clinic in New Delhi, which now provides world-class dental care.

Our dentist says : You don’t have to take care of all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep! Dr Arushi Sharma

My mission is to provide high quality, patient-centered dental care to all of my patients. I strive to continue to advance my knowledge of new technologies and treatments within the dental field.

I believe in working together with each patient individually to create a personalized treatment strategy that best fits their needs and desires. I want my patients to feel comfortable and confident while they are in my care. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing my patients smile with newfound confidence and pride


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