Root canal treatment RCT

What is Root canal treatment (RCT) ?

When the pulp (soft tissue inside a tooth) is inflamed or dead, root canal treatment is required. The pulp is a tissue made up of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels that contains nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels.

If there is severe decay in a tooth, a major restoration (filling or crown), or the tooth has been subjected to stress, the pulp may become irritated or die. The irritated pulp can either induce a toothache or be painless. When the pulp dies, germs quickly invade the space it once occupied (the root canal). The supporting tissues may experience discomfort and swelling (abscess), or the tooth may remain symptom-free.

The goal of root canal therapy is to remove inflammatory tissue or germs from within the root canal, allowing the surrounding tissues to recuperate. To prevent reinfection, the area created after cleaning the root canal system is filled with a root filling. The root filler is made of a substance called gutta-percha. This is a natural substance that resembles rubber in appearance. The root canal system is generally intricate and difficult to clean, especially in molars. This is why many general dentists prefer to refer these instances to a specialist with the necessary training, equipment, and experience.

The procedure is time-consuming due to its complexity, although it can be completed quickly and painlessly utilising modern local anaesthetic procedures. Patients might expect some tenderness after treatment because the tooth’s supporting tissues may have been injured.

How much does root canal treatment cost in Delhi

The cost of root canal treatment in Delhi can vary depending on several factors, such as the severity of the tooth damage, the location of the dental clinic, and the expertise of the dental professional. On average, the cost of a root canal treatment in Delhi can range from INR 4,000 to INR 10,000 per tooth. However, the total cost may increase if additional procedures, such as dental crowns or fillings, are needed to restore the tooth. Some dental clinics may also offer payment plans or financing options to make the treatment more affordable. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified dental professional to determine the exact cost of a root canal treatment based on your individual needs and circumstances.

How long does a root canal treatment last?

Root canal treatment can be an effective way to save a damaged or infected tooth, but how long the treatment lasts can depend on several factors. With proper care and maintenance, a root canal treatment can last for many years or even a lifetime. However, the longevity of the treatment can be affected by factors such as the quality of the restoration (such as a filling or crown), the patient’s oral hygiene habits, and the overall health of the tooth and surrounding tissues. In some cases, a root canal treatment may need to be redone if the infection returns or if the tooth becomes damaged again. It is important to practice good oral hygiene habits, including regular brushing and flossing, and to attend regular dental check-ups to ensure the long-term success of a root canal treatment.

How painful is the treatment?

Root canal treatment has a reputation for being a painful procedure, but this is largely a myth. While it is true that some individuals may experience mild discomfort or sensitivity during and after the treatment, modern techniques and anesthesia have made root canal treatment a relatively painless procedure. During the treatment, the dental professional will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area and prevent pain. After the treatment, patients may experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity for a few days, which can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. It is important to follow any post-treatment instructions provided by your dental professional to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery. With proper care and attention, the treatment can provide relief from pain and discomfort associated with infected or damaged teeth.

Benefits of RCT Treatment

Nobody wants to have a mouth full of bacteria and decay. Tooth decay can lead to tooth extraction and possibly serious infections, in addition to discomfort and a terrible odour. A root canal is an excellent treatment option for most patients who have bad pulp in their teeth. It preserves the tooth’s structure, allowing for a gapless smile without the use of implants.

What is its Procedure

Root canals are usually performed by a dentist or an endodontist. After taking dental X-rays to determine the extent of the tooth damage, they will provide a local anesthetic to the affected area to assist alleviate any discomfort. Dental doctors employ a tiny, rubbery sheet called a dental dam in the mouth to keep the teeth clean and dry during the treatment.
During the operation, your dentist or endodontist will remove deterioration from the tooth’s exterior parts before cutting a hole in the crown. This allows the dentist or endodontist access to the dental pulp on the inside. The infected or diseased pulp is extracted from the tooth after the hole is formed.

Step of Root canal treatment

Side Effects Root canal treatment ( RCT )

For a few days after the operation, your tooth and surrounding area may be sensitive. This is quite normal, and over-the-counter pain relievers can help relieve any lingering discomfort or pressure. If the pain persists for more than a day or two, you should get treatment from your dentist or endodontist right away.

Aside from that, your restored tooth and crown should be both functional and attractive. Maintaining regular dental hygiene will guarantee that your restored tooth functions well for the rest of your life.

Ask your dentist or endodontist if you’ll need a root canal soon or if there’s anything you can do to help prevent one. you can also book an online dental consultation with us to know if you need a RCT or not

Before and after images of the treatment

Before and after root canal treatment RCT
Before and after root canal treatment RCT

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