teeth xray

What is a Dental Xray or Teeth Xray?

There’s a lot going on in your mouth that you can’t see with your eyes, and dental X-rays or teeth xray let your dentist see what’s going on beneath the surface. X-rays provide your dentist with a comprehensive assessment of the health of your mouth.

Cost of Dental X-RAY

The cost of dental xray or teeth xray is very cheap , it starts from 100rs to 500rs maximum if you get it from a dental clinic in delhi or any other dental hospital

dental xray

How safe are digital X-rays compared to regular X-rays?

Digital X-rays are generally considered safer than regular X-rays because they require a lower dosage of radiation to produce the same quality of image. Digital X-ray machines use sensors to capture the image digitally, which eliminates the need for film processing. This not only makes the process faster and more efficient, but also reduces the amount of radiation exposure to both the patient and the healthcare provider. Additionally, digital X-rays can be easily stored and shared electronically, which reduces the risk of loss or damage to physical X-ray films. However, it’s important to note that any type of X-ray involves some level of radiation exposure, and the risks associated with radiation exposure should always be weighed against the potential benefits of the diagnostic information gained from the X-ray.

When are dental X-rays really necessary?

Dental X-rays are necessary when the dentist needs to diagnose or monitor a dental condition that cannot be visualized with a clinical exam alone. X-rays can reveal hidden dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, impacted teeth, and jawbone damage. The frequency of dental X-rays depends on the patient’s age, medical and dental history, and current oral health status. For example, children may need X-rays more frequently than adults because their teeth and jaws are still developing. Patients with a history of dental problems may also require more frequent X-rays to monitor their condition. However, dental professionals only recommend X-rays when they are necessary, and they take every precaution to minimize the patient’s exposure to radiation. If you have concerns about dental X-rays, discuss them with your dentist or dental hygienist.

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